WFIU: Profiles Interviews
Add FeedA weekly one hour program, Profiles features a new guest each week, ranging from painters to journalists, delving into the person behind the persona. This in-depth examination of individuals from a variety of backgrounds, seeks to inform and entertain. Profiles is a production of WFIU Public Media from Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.
WFIU: The Poets Weave
Add FeedA weekly program of poetry reading hosted by Jenny Kander and produced by WFIU Public Media in Bloomington, Indiana.
Capital Report - WFSU/FPRN
Add FeedWeekly review of Florida statewide news. WFSU/Florida Public Radio Network reporters, as well as reporters from public radio stations across the state, bring you timely news and information from around Florida. Whether it's maneuvers between legislative sessions, the economy, environmental issues, tourism, business or the arts, Capital Report gives information on issues that affect the lives of everyday Floridians.
WFSU's Perspectives
Add FeedPerspectives is broadcast LIVE each Thursday at 11:00 am ET on 88.9FM -WFSU, 10:00 am CT on 89.1FM -WFSW as well as on wfsu.org. ** Join WFSU for the live, listener call-in program Perspectives. It's the perfect forum to discuss the issues that concern YOU! Please join us by listening to the program every Thursday morning at 11, and by calling us. The numbers are 850/414-1234, or 1-800-926-8809. You can also e-mail your questions and comments to perspectives@wfsu.org.
Classical to Go! Podcast
Add FeedThe Classical Performance podcast: classical music from WGBH's Fraser Performance Studio -- Classical to Go!
PRI's The World: The World in Words
Add FeedThe World in Words with Patrick Cox focuses on language. We decode diplospeak and lay bare nationalist rants. And as English extends its global reach, we track the blowback from the world's more than 6,000 other languages.
Dean of Green Gardening Almanac
Add FeedAn almanac...or son of The Dean of Green. Whatever you call it, you'll get even more gardening information every week with this spin-off podcast. Hosted by the Dean of Green's favorite sidekick (his only sidekick, really) Laura Kennedy you'll find out what you could be, should be or want to be doing as an avid gardener. Rainy, snowy, muddy or dry, there's always something to do in or for your garden. Laura has the tips and Don Schmidt, the Dean of Green has the advice...or is it the other way around?
GLT Blues Next
Add FeedGLT Music Director and Blues Host Jon Norton shares what he thinks are top blues tunes in this weekly podcast. Listen for up-and-coming artists and tunes from musicians deserving a bit more attention. You'll also learn a little about the artist and with this weekly podcast, you'll stay on top of what's happening in blues.
GLT's Poetry Radio
Add FeedPoetry Radio is produced by WGLT-FM in coordination with Illinois State University's English Department. Each program, between two and five minutes in length, spotlights a single poem, contemporary or classic, framed by a responsive piece of music. It can be heard live Tuesday and Thursday at 10 AM and PM and Sunday at 10 PM (CT) on our live stream at www.wglt.org or on the air in central Illinois at 103.5 and 89.1 FM.