InTouch TV Broadcast featuring Dr. Charles Stanley
Add FeedThe Weekly Television Broadcast of InTouch Ministries featuring Dr. Charles Stanley.
SF Bay Area Indymedia
Add FeedThe San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center is a non-commercial, democratic collective of independent media makers and local node of the global Indymedia network.
LabCAST: MIT Media Lab
Add FeedAt the Media Lab, the future is lived, not imagined. In a world where radical technology advances are taken for granted, we design technology for people to create a better future. LabCAST is the video podcast of the MIT Media Lab. Learn about the Lab's cutting edge research and catch a glimpse of the lab in action. Journalist and Media Lab Senior Fellow John Hockenberry discusses student life with student Taemie Kim.
Knowing God with Greg Laurie
Add FeedGreg Laurie began his pastoral ministry at age 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. In 1990, Laurie began holding public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, well over three million people have attended Harvest Crusades around the world.
Dr. Bill.TV - Video Netcasts
Add FeedDr. Bill has well over thirty years of experience as a computer professional, and is a System Engineer. He manages both Microsoft Windows and Open Source Linux servers, professionally, and has a particular dedication to the Open Source movement. He believes that the best software, as well as the humans that use it, should be free! He is a system and network engineer, and loves "Geek Culture!" His blog is, "Dr. Bill: The Computer Curmudgeon."
Amazing Facts Presents
Add FeedOur flagship 30-minute program features the very best of Pastor Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts programs. Explore the Bible like never before and get practical guidance into Christian living, prophecy, and much more! -- Other interesting recordings are located at: http://itsaboutgod.t35.com
Made in Germany (english): The Business Magazine
Add FeedMade in Germany gives an inside view of the global economy, provides gripping business reports from the heart of Europe. From the world’s financial markets to the offices of top CEO’s, our reporters are where the economic action is. Every week top-flight business analysts visit our Berlin studios and explain current economic developments as they happen. Freiburg in the south-west of Germany is home to the most modern solar community in the world. The Plusenergiehaus® is based on a multiple modular design system and shows how solar power not only saves electricity costs but also brings in money. The solar panels on the rooves of these new houses produce more power than they use. The surplus is fed into the public power grid, allowing home owners to actually earn up to 5000 euros a year. Designed by local architects, this trailblazing solar energy estate attracts scores of international visitors keen to see how it's done. Joachim Eggers on a place in the sun.
The Word of Faith Netcast
Add FeedWord of Faith Ministries, Inc. is the non-profit Christian Ministry organization of Dr. Bill Bailey, a Bible Teacher that Proclaims the Word of Faith message! Join Dr. Bill as he proclaims the Word of Faith, showcases ministries, and trains people to fulfill the Word of God!