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  • Dual Wielding

    NerdsontheRocks.com and Gametavern.net bring you the only thing that the members at the Gametavern forums might possibly agree on all the time, video games!

  • Modern Life Netwoek

    The Modern Life Podcast Network has a number of podcasts focused on modern technology, lifestyle, business, sports, and society. Our modern lives can be hectic and demanding one day and relaxing and peaceful the next. Through the eyes and ears of our hosts, we discuss and analyze the issues facing our modern lives and provide answers and ideas to make the journey through life a bit easier.

  • Ending The Sexual Dark Age

    Everything Your Parents Never Learned About Sex

  • The Deep End

    The Deep End podcast features music from artists that are creatively, thoughtfully, and honestly dealing with spiritual issues and themes. These artists dig below the surface to explore the deeper issues of life. Music that explores themes such as forgiveness, hope, love, sorrow, life, death, joy, loss, purpose, war, peace and faith are all examples of issues we might explore on the podcast.

  • PBS NewsHour

    The latest news, analysis and reporting from the PBS NewsHour and its website, the feed is updated at least once a weekday and includes interviews, background reports and updates to put today's news in context.

  • Music Manumit Podcast

    music free from the bonds of slavery

  • Mystical Lit Lounge

    A YA Paranormal Romance Virtual Book Club and Podcast

  • 365 Days of Astronomy

    The 365 Days of Astronomy Podcast started as started as part of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 to publish one podcast of 5 to 10 minutes in duration for all 365 days. It proved so popular that at the end of 2009 the daily podcasts continued. The podcast episodes are written, recorded and produced by a wide range of participants around the world.

  • Astronomy Cast

    Astronomy Cast offers you a fact based journey through the cosmos. Each week Fraser Cain (Universe Today) and Dr. Pamela Gay (SIUE / Slacker Astronomy) take on topics ranging from the nearby planets to ubiquitous dark matter.

  • The Jodcast - astronomy podcast

    A twice-monthly podcast about astronomy. It includes the latest news, what you can see in the current night sky, interviews with astronomers and other things we liked the sound of. It is created by a bunch of astronomers from The University of Manchester's Jodrell Bank (UK) for anyone who is interested in things out of this world.
