KCRW's Which Way, L.A.?
Add FeedAward-winning moderator Warren Olney leads lively. thoughtful and provocative discussion on the issues Southern Californians care about. Which Way. L.A.? draws from newsmakers around Los Angeles, the state, North America, and from around the world to present all sides of the issues.
KERA's Anything You Ever Wanted to Know
Add FeedAll questions are answered and all knowledge is revealed on Anything You Ever Wanted To Know, a weekly call-in show with host Jeff Whittington.
KERA's Think
Add FeedThink is a daily, topic-driven interview and call-in program hosted by Krys Boyd covering a wide variety of topics ranging from history, politics, current events, science, technology and emerging trends to food and wine, travel, adventure, and entertainme
The Current Song of the Day
Add FeedMusic lovers from 89.3 The Current comb through mountains of music to choose the best new, independent, and unreleased songs to share with you each weekday.
KNPR Discussions
Add FeedNevada Public Radio presents thoughtful and informed discussions on everything from politics to dining, nuclear waste to budget surplus. Senators, student journalists, parrot wranglers, consumer advocates, religious leaders, and gang members: our panels make for riveting radio. Refreshes weekdays. 15-35 minutes. From News 88.9 KNPR.
KNPR Features
Add FeedNevada Public Radio presents the latest editions of our popular features: Food for Thought, Nevada Yesterdays, Along the Way, 24-hour Show, and Desert Bloom. Refreshes most weekdays. Want the inside dope on Las Legas living? Subscribe to this feed. Refreshes twice/thrice weekly. 4-6 minutes.
Dinner Party Download
Add FeedThe company that brings you A Prairie Home Companion and Marketplace serves up The Dinner Party Download - a fast and funny "booster shot" of news and culture designed to help you dazzle friends and family at this weekend's dinner party. In every 10-minute episode you'll learn a joke... Get the week's major headlines... Bone up on some history... Drink in a cocktail recipe... Meet an artist of note... Savor an emerging food trend... And hear your new favorite song. Plus unconventional wisdom from hosts Rico Gagliano and Brendan Newnam. This weekend, don't just attend your dinner party - win it. Bon appetit.