Display Shows:

My Language:

Genre: Education

  • Web Video Secrets Podcast - WebVideoUniversity.com

    Professional tips, tricks and techniques for creating killer web videos. Our lessons are ideal for both beginning and experienced Internet marketers.

  • Ecogeeks : Untamed Science Video Podcast

    A science video podcast that explains science topics in a fun and exciting way. Not only is it great for science teachers to download and show in the classroom but they are ideal for the nature lover. All of our hosts and filmmakers are also trained biologists. This is a unique show made by biologists for nature lovers.

  • TED Theme: Words About Words

    Language is the stuff of thought -- the more we know about it, the better we will understand ourselves. These speakers are trying to crack the mystery. Linguist Steven Pinker inspects the structure of sentences -- and discovers insight into human nature. Susan Savage-Rumbaugh finds a key to human language in the behavior of bonobo apes -- just as paleoanthropologist Zeresenay Alemseged shows us a set of 3.3-million-year-old hominid fossils that offer clues to the origins of speech. Erin McKean, meanwhile, gleefully collects and catalogs the products of modern wordmakers into a dictionary without limits.

  • HD

    Port Matters

    The Port Matters podcast is a production of the Communications and Community Services department at the Port of San Diego. It serves as a rich media supplement to certain press releases and provides an educational resource for the public regarding affairs that encompass the San Diego Bay.

  • The Popular Podcast

    The mission of The Popular Podcast is to obtain fame and fortune. This is how we are doing it: Publish: We produce prolific, diverse content to maximize advertising potential and reach multiple niche audiences simultaneously. Inform: We create and sell in

  • The Stuff of Genius

    Have you ever had an idea that seemed crazy -- maybe crazy enough to work? Every invention starts out as an idea, and it only takes a bit of genius to make it reality. See how some of the greatest inventions were brought to life in The Stuff of Genius from HowStuffWorks.com. When George de Mestral and his dog set out on a leisurely mountain stroll, they returned covered in burrs. Learn how an afternoon walk inspired the creation of Velcro in this video podcast from HowStuffWorks.com.

  • ART.CULT>>Lecture Podcast

    A Lecture Series Podcast

  • English Teaching in Japan

    Sharing ideas and experiences about English teaching in Japan. Live Learn Share

  • APCS Java

    OOP Java for the AP CompSci A Test Starting Code: import java.util.Scanner; /** * Simple Polyalphabetic Cryptography * * @Chris Thiel * @28 Feb 2009 */ public class VignereCipherStartingCode { private static final String alphabet="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private static int nextChar(String k, int i){ i=i%k.length(); String letter=k.substring(i,i+1); return alphabet.indexOf(letter); } public static String encode (String m, String k){ String result=""; for (int i=0; i<m.length(); i++){ int offset=nextChar(k, i); String letter = m.substring(i,i+1); int newLetterIndex= alphabet.indexOf(letter)+offset; newLetterIndex=newLetterIndex % 26; result+=alphabet.substring( newLetterIndex, newLetterIndex+1); } return result; } public static String decode (String m, String k){ String result=""; return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner kb=new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Type a key: "); String key=kb.nextLine(); key=key.toUpperCase(); key=key.replace(" ","");//omit spaces System.out.print("Type a message: "); String message=kb.nextLine(); message=message.toUpperCase(); message=message.replace(" ",""); System.out.println("Using the key \""+key+"\" on \""+message+"\":"); String codedMessage=encode(message,key); System.out.println("Coded="+codedMessage); System.out.println("Decoded="+decode(codedMessage,key)); } } * 8 points: Complete the decode method so it can decipher the Vignere Cipher * 9 points: Adapt this so it can do a Progressive Polyalphabetic Cipher rather than a key * 10 points: Adapt the CarTalk Employee Applet's graphic user interface so that you can type a message in one text area, press a button and it shows the encoded text (using the Progressive Cipher), press another button and it shows the decoded text. * 11 points: Add a "key field" to the Applet, and use the Vignere Cipher, working in a similiar fashion as the 10 point version

  • Our Changing Planet

    Our Changing Planet is an informative public television series about climate and environmental change, and opportunities to preserve Earth's life-sustaining natural resources for future generations. See visible, life-altering changes taking place globally as Earth's climate warms, from animal extinctions, to vanishing glaciers, to melting polar ice sheets and permafrost, to rising seas that threaten coastal communities and low lying islands. Learn about environmental damage from the corrosive effects of acid rain; the hole in ozone layer that allows harmful ultraviolet radiation to reach Earth's surface; extreme weather events like hurricanes, heat waves, cold snaps, and droughts; the use of fossil fuels and the build-up of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere; alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power to reduce our dependence on coal and oil; and space-age technology that helps farmers grow crops in a more Earth-friendly way. What effect does a growing world population and expanding economy have on Earth's resources? What are the hidden environmental costs behind the everyday products we simply throw away? Will we exhaust Earth's freshwater resources? How do plant and animal species respond to human transformation of the land and rivers for housing, industry, transportation, farming, ranching, mining and forestry? All episodes are written and produced at UMAC, the Upper Midwest Aerospace Consortium at the University of North Dakota. Full episodes, complete with closed captioning and supporting links and information are available at www.umac.org/ocp. About one third of the 6,000 amphibian species known to exist on Earth are threatened with extinction. What is the message these sensitive creatures are dying to send about the health of our planet?
