MacBreak Studio
Join Steve Martin, Mark Spencer, Brian Gary, Alex Lindsay and friends as they reveal the ins and outs of video production on the Mac. From 3D to audio, video, and compression, learn from the experts how to add advanced techniques to your production workflow and ...
Join Steve Martin, Mark Spencer, Brian Gary, Alex Lindsay and friends as they reveal the ins and outs of video production on the Mac. From 3D to audio, video, and compression, learn from the experts how to add advanced techniques to your production workflow and a professional touch to your video content. Steve Martin stops in to talk with Alex about the Patch Panel in Final Cut.
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The Art of Editing Part 2 - The Art of Interview Cutting
Christine shows us ways to cut an interview that creates ...
Christine shows us ways to cut an interview that creates anticipation in the audience.
Color Correcting - Match Hue Eyedropper
Steve shows us how to quickly match shots that were ...
Steve shows us how to quickly match shots that were shot at different times of day using FCP's Match Hue eyedropper.
Motion for After Effects Users
Mark shows After Effects users how to quickly grab and ...
Mark shows After Effects users how to quickly grab and modify content from Motion to use in their After Effects projects.
Making Music Magic in Garage Band
As a producer for ESPN's Speed Freaks, Brian often needs ...
As a producer for ESPN's Speed Freaks, Brian often needs a quick piece of music for show segments. Where does he turn? Garage Band.
The Art of Editing Part 1 - Double Cutting
Christine Steele shows you how double-cutting can add more excitement ...
Christine Steele shows you how double-cutting can add more excitement to your action scenes.
FCP PowerTips - Using Slip and Slide
Alex and Steve discuss the ins and outs of Slip ...
Alex and Steve discuss the ins and outs of Slip and Slide edits in Final Cut Pro.
MoType Plugin in Motion
Mark and Brian look at Yanotype's MoType generator in Motion.
Monitoring Disk Usage
Brian Gary stops in and explains ways for you to ...
Brian Gary stops in and explains ways for you to use your disk space more efficiently.
Painting in Motion
Justine and Mark Spencer talk about Painting in Motion.
Encoding with Omni-Cinema Craft
Justine and Brian Gary talk about encoding using Omni-Cinema Craft.