Ask Jay
Entrepreneur, CEO, and business owner Jay Adelson (Equinix, Digg, Revision3, SimpleGeo) demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. Submit questions to learn how to turn any business idea into reality and maybe even change the world.
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Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay explains what it means to bootstrap (self-fund), the risks, benefits, requirements, and other elements
Board of Directors
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay discusses how a board of directors comes together, who should be on it, and how to manage who is on it
Starting a Social Network
In this episode, Jay answers a question about what is ...
In this episode, Jay answers a question about what is needed technically and logistically to start a successful social network.
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay explains some of the steps you can take to adequately motivate yourself to accomplish your goals as an
From Developer to Business Owner
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay explains the fundamental elements a developer with business ownership aspirations should wrap their he