Ask Jay
Entrepreneur, CEO, and business owner Jay Adelson (Equinix, Digg, Revision3, SimpleGeo) demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. Submit questions to learn how to turn any business idea into reality and maybe even change the world.
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Selling Your Company
In this episode, Jay provides a personal account of what ...
In this episode, Jay provides a personal account of what it is like to sell a company and what happens immediately thereafter. The personal account is none other than the sale of Revision3 to Discovery Communications.
Essential Software
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay provides advice on the most essential software services that aid in not only successful startups, but m
Repeating a Successful Idea in Your Country
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay talks about the process of analyzing and repeating a business idea that has been successful in one coun
Fired as CEO
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay talks about what goes on when a CEO is fired, the process, reactions, and what to do if that person is y
Startup Incubators
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the startup process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the startup process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay talks about how startup incubators work, the pros and cons of being funded by one, plus some tips and ad
Outsourcing Fail
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson, demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay talks about what to do when you outsource a major part of your company's development and your contract
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay talks about certain company acquisitions that get referred to as "acqui-hires."
Core Competency
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO, Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay talks about what an entrepreneur should do about having an idea or being inspired by something outside
Validating Business Models
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay explains the process of vetting a business idea and its potential marketplace as well as how to research
Expanding Your Company Internationally
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process ...
Successful entrepreneur and CEO Jay Adelson demystifies the start-up process by providing advice, tips, and answering questions. In this episode, Jay explains all the things to consider before taking your company internationally.