The Chibi Project
Horrible experiments conducted on innocent anime toys!
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The Chibi Project - Kuroneko / Hurricane Dennis
What happens when you duct tape a black cat to ...
What happens when you duct tape a black cat to a tree during a Gulf Coast hurricane? We found out.
The Chibi Project - Sailor Venus / Gross Potato
What happens when we forget we put Sailor Venus in ...
What happens when we forget we put Sailor Venus in a potato bag for nine months? You DON'T want to know. Also, we steal a Webby Award.
The Chibi Project - Sailor Chibi Moon / Tar and Feather
A doll of Sailor Chibi Moon gets tarred and feathered ...
A doll of Sailor Chibi Moon gets tarred and feathered live at Anime Boston 2008.
The Chibi Project - Sailor Soldiers / Chainsaw
The chainsaw makes a pretty interesting weapon against Sailor Moon ...
The chainsaw makes a pretty interesting weapon against Sailor Moon dolls.
The Chibi Project - Clow Wand
Our live presentation at Bakuretsu Con was a smashing success ...
Our live presentation at Bakuretsu Con was a smashing success in more ways than one!
The Chibi Project - Grillin' Menchi
ADV sold a Menchi plush that came with a grill. ...
ADV sold a Menchi plush that came with a grill. This was just begging for it.
The Chibi Project - Drop Test
After countless requests, we finally drop Chibi Moon (and two ...
After countless requests, we finally drop Chibi Moon (and two others) from way up high!
The Chibi Project - Tuxedo Mask / Wire Brush
Live at Anime Boston 2007, Tuxedo Mask has a brush ...
Live at Anime Boston 2007, Tuxedo Mask has a brush with death.
The Chibi Project - Sailor Soldiers / Fresnel Lens
We heard it could melt concrete, so we put Sailor ...
We heard it could melt concrete, so we put Sailor Moon dolls under it.
The Chibi Project - Sailor Venus / Potato Cannon
Human cannonball? That's right, Sailor Venus launches out of a ...
Human cannonball? That's right, Sailor Venus launches out of a potato cannon!