Friday Night Cranks
Every week from 9-11pm, Friday Night Cranks makes hilarious prank calls LIVE from their website. After the show each week FNC will post the funniest pranks onto this podcast. Subscribe and watch the newest calls, and exclusive videos as soon as they are posted. Friday ...
Every week from 9-11pm, Friday Night Cranks makes hilarious prank calls LIVE from their website. After the show each week FNC will post the funniest pranks onto this podcast. Subscribe and watch the newest calls, and exclusive videos as soon as they are posted. Friday Night Cranks prank call Shirley Phelps, one of the head members of the Westboro baptist Church. She thinks she is being called for an interview for a fake magazine we made up when we emailed her prior to the broadcast.
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Walmart Wedding - Prank Call
Jared and Kristin prank call a Walmart making sure their ...
Jared and Kristin prank call a Walmart making sure their wedding is still on for Sunday.*Side Note*After shooting this prank I found out people in the past have had weddings in A PRANK...
Rent-A-Clown Prank Call
Jared prank calls a professional clown. Things get out of ...
Jared prank calls a professional clown. Things get out of hand when her husband takes the phone from her!REQUEST A PRANK CALL!http://request.fridaynightcranks.comDOWNLOAD OUR APP (Free and Paid!)http://app.fridaynightcranks.comONLINE...
Easter Mall Prank Call
To request a prank call go to..http://request.fridaynightcranks.comVISIT OUR ONLINE STORE! ...
To request a prank call go to..http://request.fridaynightcranks.comVISIT OUR ONLINE STORE! FREE SHIPPING IN THE UShttp://store.fridaynightcranks.comLike us on FACEBOOK and Kristin prank call a mall in...
HILARIOUS Opera Singer - Prank Call
Jared prank calls a fans cousin who recently got a ...
Jared prank calls a fans cousin who recently got a summer job as an Opera singer. He gets him to sing a few songs in Opera form!
Dead Pussycat In Washer - Prank Call
REQUEST A PRANK CALL!http://request.fridaynightcranks.comVISIT OUR ONLINE STOREhttp://store.fridaynightcranks.comDOWNLOAD OUR APPhttp://app.fridaynightcranks.comFACEBOOK
Late For A Date - Prank Call
REQUEST A PRANK CALL FOR FREEhttp://request.fridaynightcranks.comOUR STOREhttp://store.fridaynightcranks.comDOWNLOAD OUR APP
Blissful Act of Kindness Prank Call
**READ DESCRIPTION** The original prank call was over 20 minutes ...
**READ DESCRIPTION** The original prank call was over 20 minutes long with me asking her a ton of questions about her getting thrown off a bus a few days ago. I kept just the beginning and the end since the middle was pretty...
Barney Bake Sale - Prank
REQUEST A PRANK CALL!http://request.fridaynightcranks.comDOWNLOAD OUR APP! prank calls a couple ...
REQUEST A PRANK CALL!http://request.fridaynightcranks.comDOWNLOAD OUR APP! prank calls a couple that has Barrels for sale. He first wakes the lady up then explains why he...
Watch our entire 6 year show that was recorded live ...
Watch our entire 6 year show that was recorded live on February 15th 2013.First hour was Q&A'sSecond and Third hour was prank callsLast hour was calling viewers!REQUEST A PRANK!http://request.fridaynightcranks.comCHECK OUT OUR...
Refurbished Hamster - Prank Call
STORE:http://store.fridaynightcranks.comREQUEST A PRANKhttp://request.fridaynightcranks.comFACEBOOK APP and Kristin prank call a...