APM: A Prairie Home Companion's News from Lake Wobegon
Monologues about folks in Lake Wobegon
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August 13, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
We got a little snow out there this last week ...
We got a little snow out there this last week -- six inches, but we don't care. We're not shoveling. The shovel's been put away. The snowplow is parked in the garage; Bud is not going to bring it out. That snow, it's just going to have to melt on its own.
August 6, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
The tundra swans came in this week -- hundreds of ...
The tundra swans came in this week -- hundreds of them. Beautiful white birds came sailing in and landed on the lake. They spend the winter in North Carolina -- most of them -- and they're on their way up to their breeding grounds, which is in the Canadian arctic.
July 30, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
Clint Bunsen sneezed so hard he threw his back out ...
Clint Bunsen sneezed so hard he threw his back out and he had to miss work for the rest of the week. At the Sidetrack Tap Wally, behind the bar, sneezed with such force that he blew a cigar the whole length of the bar.
July 23, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
It was so hot, a real change of life for ...
It was so hot, a real change of life for people in Lake Wobegon. It is too hot to work -- it just is. And how do you stop doing what you have been practicing to do all of your life?
July 16, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
It's been beautiful out there this last week. You know, ...
It's been beautiful out there this last week. You know, here we are: the end of March, the beginning of April and suddenly it was getting warmer and warmer and the ice was off the lake and the redwing blackbirds were everywhere and the crocus was poking up and still there were people in Lake Wobegon who were saying, "Just you wait, we're gonna get more snow."
July 9, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
It's been cool up there, been a little bit rainy--but ...
It's been cool up there, been a little bit rainy--but not nearly rainy enough--and so the lake level is still very, very low, which means there's an enormous expanse of beach there.
July 2, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
It's been hot and humid out there. Some people are ...
It's been hot and humid out there. Some people are sitting around limp in the face of their air conditioners with their arms wrapped around them and a lot of people are not so troubled by 105-degree heat.
June 25, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
It's been a little wet out there. We got plenty ...
It's been a little wet out there. We got plenty of rain here this last week and it was cool, if that's the sort of weather that you like. It was the summer solstice on Tuesday -- Tuesday around noon.
June 18, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
Perfect weather -- absolutely beautiful, perfect weather out there. The ...
Perfect weather -- absolutely beautiful, perfect weather out there. The sort of weather that makes some of us with dark imaginations feel uneasy, as if something is just about to happen on a day so perfect as this.
June 11, 2011: The News from Lake Wobegon
The gardens are starting to come in now. The first ...
The gardens are starting to come in now. The first little radishes are coming in. The first asparagus has been cut already -- a great delicacy.