Is That Your Kid?
Nerds from Western Pennsylvania host a variety show while struggling to cope with one another's personality flaws.
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Is That Your Kid? : 58 Leftovers
::BEEPBEEPBEEP:: Oh what's that you ask? It sounds like the ...
::BEEPBEEPBEEP:: Oh what's that you ask? It sounds like the ITYK? Brothers have just heated up th...
Is That Your Kid? : 57 Break-A-Thon 2015
It’s that time of year again, the 2015 Break-a-thon is ...
It’s that time of year again, the 2015 Break-a-thon is finally here! This time even breakier than...
We need your help. Subscribe on iTunes @isthatyourkid isthatyourkid.tumbl...
Is That Your Kid : 56 TeamTodd vs. TeamJake (AQUAHOLICS)
Have you picked a side? Because it's time to play ...
Have you picked a side? Because it's time to play along with us. The Battle begins! As represe...
Is That Your Kid? : 55 Cougars & Alligators
Out of the Tent and back into the Toad Cave. ...
Out of the Tent and back into the Toad Cave. ITYK? returns home! Jake is back from his Jakecat...
Is That Your Kid? : 54 Let's Sleep In a Tent Again!
Last Summer Todd and Jake spent a night in a ...
Last Summer Todd and Jake spent a night in a wet, humid and uncomfortable tent. This Summer the I...
Is That Your Kid? : 53 Spelling Bee 2015 presents the ITYK? 2015 Spelling Bee! LIVE from the ... presents the ITYK? 2015 Spelling Bee! LIVE from the Toad Cave, Four Hungry Contesta...
Is That Your Kid? : 52 New York Takeover
ITYK? once again goes on the road this week to ...
ITYK? once again goes on the road this week to the Big Apple, NEW YORK CITY. Todd welcomes guest ...
Is That Your Kid? : 51 Tattoos (How to get a Nice Set of Arms)
ITYK? has a full house this week! Jake plans to ...
ITYK? has a full house this week! Jake plans to get his first tattoo. Todd, Mike and the Casin...
Is That Your Kid? : 50 Smart & Bored
Mic Crackling in the background? I have an idea. Why ...
Mic Crackling in the background? I have an idea. Why don't we edit in weird beach sounds + like I...