Making New Friends
“Making New Friends” is a wild and absurd podcast, web series, and live show hosted and produced by Patrick O'Rourke. Each week Pat invites a guest and a friend into the studio with the hope that a new friendship can be forged.
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Professional Connoisseur
Walt is back in the Kitchen Studios! He brings the ...
Walt is back in the Kitchen Studios! He brings the elegance as Pat describes the difference between a living room and a kitchen. The guys are joined by tea kettle connoisseur and retired professional corner-back Dustin Dawes.
The Empty Pockets
Hey now, Chicago based (but long distance traveling) band The ...
Hey now, Chicago based (but long distance traveling) band The Empty Pockets join Pat in the Kitchen Studios! There's some chemistry right away, so Pat invites the gang to the P&HS BBQ. After a jam session and a few laughs,
The New Capitol Hill
Alex is back in the Kitchen Studios for another thrilling ...
Alex is back in the Kitchen Studios for another thrilling adventure! After some sexy BBQ talk, AJ and Bry Bry join the guys to begin their presidential run. They are looking for truth and to be the first brother team to run the country. Bry Bry is 11,
New Man Cave
After some indiscriminate time away, Alex is back on the ...
After some indiscriminate time away, Alex is back on the podcast! This week, Pat's in the market for a new man cave so his interior decorator Dave stops by to lend some friendly advice. Pat's a big fan of 80s sci-fi so things get nostalgic,
The Dark Internet
Pat could talk to Chandler for hours about disc golf, ...
Pat could talk to Chandler for hours about disc golf, and very likely would have if Dale Parsons did not drop by the kitchen. Dale makes documentaries for sole distribution on the dark internet. Why are they only on the dark internet?
Magic Muffins
After a disorienting set up, Pat and Zack meet an ...
After a disorienting set up, Pat and Zack meet an aged muffin eating Mare. Zack describes the world as water, and Mare makes metal work. After she shows off the best of the best of her work, the guys go on the hunt for word play. Finally,
A Big Bag of Blood
This description is written by NSA Agent 321089. By listening ...
This description is written by NSA Agent 321089. By listening to this episode of Making New Friends you will be considered a terrorist threat to the United States of America. The events that transpired during this recording have started the largest qua...
Lactose Inception
Times are hard for milkmen, but there's no use crying ...
Times are hard for milkmen, but there's no use crying over spoiled milk. New friend of the show Kyle and the host with the most sensitive stomach Pat are joined by The Milkman who has experienced the downturn first hand. His family is starving,
Natural Numbers
Math is hard for Jamie Campbell and Pat, but for ...
Math is hard for Jamie Campbell and Pat, but for Professor Greg Fingerson it's as natural as a basketball sized apple. In recent years there has been many break throughs in the art of counting, and Greg is on the forefront of countechology.
Onus of Knowledge
This week, Alex and JPC return to the Ozman studios ...
This week, Alex and JPC return to the Ozman studios and are in dire need of breakfast. Luckily, Kazzoodle, the magical cereal wizard of the mountain top, apparates with a big bowl of Snowflakes. The guys dive into a few bowls before discovering the que...