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What Up, Cuz?

two cousins, no agenda... Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins; Tyler & Kasey Williams, on separate journeys' that intersect with each other come together to discuss their respective past, ...

two cousins, no agenda... Welcome to "What Up, Cuz?" A podcast that dissects the minutia of the mundane and the triviality of the extraordinary. Two cousins; Tyler & Kasey Williams, on separate journeys' that intersect with each other come together to discuss their respective past, present, and (hopefully) future. "What Up, Cuz?" also features guests and friends of the cousin's Williams'.

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Recently Aired

  • HD

    What Up, Cuz? 38: Doughnut Fingers

    In which the cousins drive off a cliff in the ...

    In which the cousins drive off a cliff in the Struggle Bus

    Nov 25, 2013 Read more
  • HD

    What Up, Cuz? 37: Fisty Cuffs

    In which the cousins hear about a two-fingered Angel

    Nov 17, 2013
  • HD

    What Up, Cuz? 36: Gentleman Jerry

    In which the cousins double snuggle

    Nov 11, 2013
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    What Up, Cuz? 35: Happy Girthday!

    In which the cousins get Oliver Platt-tastic

    Nov 4, 2013
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    What Up, Cuz? 34: The "Fall-O-Ween" Show

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    In which the cousins witness Mikey have a case of Tourett's

    Oct 28, 2013 Read more
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    What Up, Cuz? 33: Nobunaga Stomp

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    Oct 21, 2013
  • HD

    What Up, Cuz? 32: Pepper, No Pepper

    In which one cousin loses a job but reconnects with ...

    In which one cousin loses a job but reconnects with his past

    Oct 14, 2013 Read more
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    What Up, Cuz? 31: Blossom Party

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    Oct 7, 2013
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    What Up, Cuz? 30: Decent Individual

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    Sep 9, 2013
  • HD

    What Up, Cuz? 29: Erosion Explosion

    In which one cousin hits the road

    Sep 2, 2013