SBS: Hungarian
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All about the crisis in Hungary
„Break through the language barrier - crowdsourced translation of news, ...
„Break through the language barrier - crowdsourced translation of news, opinions and interviews about the crisis- this is the . (A vilA?g minden tA?jA?n A�lL� magyar szA?rmazA?sAsak A�s kA
„We are following the European norm”
How is the government of Hungary handling the crisis? ...
How is the government of Hungary handling the crisis? (Vajon hogyan kezeli a migrA?ciAls vA?lsA?got a magyar kormA?ny?)
The week of crisis, Pál Molnár reports
A violent attack has been carried out against Hungary and ...
A violent attack has been carried out against Hungary and the police protecting its border at RA�szke on Wednesday. The police got the situation under controll.
Malcolm Turnbull
Australia's new Prime Minister designate has hit a new high ...
Australia's new Prime Minister designate has hit a new high note in an already illustrious career. (A hA�tfL� esti drA?ma utA?n kedd reggelre Asj miniszterelnA�ke lett AusztrA?liA?nak. MalcolmTurnbull illusztris karrierjA�nek betetL�
Astrophotography presentation, exhibition and lecture in Canberra. ...
Astrophotography presentation, exhibition and lecture in Canberra. . (Egy kALlA�nleges kiA?llA�tA?sra invitA?lunk, CanberrA?ban egy magyar fotAlmL�vA�sz mutatkozik be.)
Charles Darwin and the enviroment
Charles Darwin 200 years anniversary - 2009. ...
Charles Darwin 200 years anniversary - 2009. ( 2009-ben a Charles Darwin szALletA�sA�nek 200. A�vfordulAlja alkalmA?bAll kA�szALlt az A�sszeA?llA�tA?s. )
Homo Naledi
Scientists have discovered the remains of a previously unknown human-like ...
Scientists have discovered the remains of a previously unknown human-like species in a burial chamber deep in a cave system in South Africa. (A�j, emberszerL� faj csontkA�vALleteit fedeztA�k fA�l egy barlangrendszer mA�
Flu and heartattack
A new study published today reveals the risk of heart ...
A new study published today reveals the risk of heart attack drops by 30 per cent if a person has a flu vaccine. ( A NSW-i Egyetem A?ltal kiadott tanulmA?nyA?ban a SzA�v naplAlban arrAll A�rtak, hogy az influenzA?ban me
Dogs sniff cancer
Australian cancer groups will closely monitor the results of a ...
Australian cancer groups will closely monitor the results of a new trial in Britain using dogs to diagnose cancer. ( AusztrA?liA?ban a rA?kkuttatAlk felfigyeltek egy Asj angliai kisA�rlet bA�ztatAl eredmA�nyeire, mely kisA�rle
Bad press for the Hungary’s goverment
ZoltA?n Farkas reports (Farkas ZoltA?n tudAlsA�tA?sa)