SBS: Hungarian
Az SBS Rádió magyar nyelvű műsora hetente naprakész híradásokkal, friss információkkal, szórakoztató programokkal jelentkezik. Tárja ki a világra néző ablakot! Hírek, közéleti események, sport, életmód, kultúra, tudomány, történelmi visszatekintések, interjúk, tudósitások a világ országaiból... határon innen, határon túl, magyarul.
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The man, who has a planet named after him…
TamA?s LadA?nyi is an astrophotgrapher, a teacher, and an astronomer. ...
TamA?s LadA?nyi is an astrophotgrapher, a teacher, and an astronomer. (LadA?nyi TamA?s asztrofotogrA?fus, tanA?r, amatL�r csillagA?sz az elmAslt kA�t hA�tben CanberrA?ban mutatkozott be.)
Border defence, blame on the media…
DA?niel IstvA?n KirA?ly reports. (A tudAlsA�tAl, ...
DA?niel IstvA?n KirA?ly reports. (A tudAlsA�tAl, KirA?ly IstvA?n DA?niel jelentA�se.)
A week of the migrant crisis
Hungary has introduced new powers to deal with migrants and ...
Hungary has introduced new powers to deal with migrants and refugees, in a move set to deepen divisions between the country and its neighbours. (MagyarorszA?g a mA?r felhAszott hatA?rzA?rhoz a rendL�rsA�g mellA� a katon
Future Hopes: Masculinity and Femininity
Humans typically come in two sexes - male and female. ...
Humans typically come in two sexes - male and female. (Az embereket nemi hovatartozA?suk alapjA?n fA�rfiakra A�s nL�kre osztjuk.)
Family dinner – cooking together
This musical segment is about the importancy of cooking together. ...
This musical segment is about the importancy of cooking together. (A zenA�s A�sszeA?llA�tA?sban a csalA?di vacsora fontossA?gA?rAll lesz szAl.)
KID’s report: Property maffia
In Hungary, it can be dangerous to trust people too ...
In Hungary, it can be dangerous to trust people too much to buy a property…. (MagyarorszA?gon a lakA?svA?sA?rlAlkra is veszA�ly vA?r, de az a veszA�ly, fondorlatos, szervezet, bL�nA�s, igaz csA�kkenL�ben van…)
Retirement: Legal tips for guaranteeing
Australia is in the grip of a housing affordability crisis. ...
Australia is in the grip of a housing affordability crisis. (Egyre tA�bb fiatalnak van szALksA�ge szALlei, nagyszALlei pA�nzALgyi tA?mogatA?sA?ra.)
The Future is now: Privacy
Smart phones, social media sites and the Internet are becoming ...
Smart phones, social media sites and the Internet are becoming inseparable aspects of our everyday lives. (Okostelefonok, kA�zA�ssA�gi mA�diA?k, A�s az Internet A�letALnk legfontosabb rA�szei lesznek, mA?r azok. )
Pay attention to them!
There are calls for more work to be done about ...
There are calls for more work to be done about caring for the mental health of older Australians. (Egyre nagyobb szALksA�g lenne az idL�s ausztrA?lok mentA?lis egA�szsA�gA�re odafigyelni.)
Diabetes and antibiotics
A new study shows a link between taking antiobiotics and ...
A new study shows a link between taking antiobiotics and developing type-2 diabetes. (Egy Asj kutatA?si eredmA�ny kimutatta, hogy kapcsolat van az antibiotikum szedA�se A�s a 2-es tipusu cukorbetegsA�g kialakulA?sa kA�zA�tt.)