Mimberz and the A-hole
The MATA Show is a comedy talk show hosted by Tim Mimbs and Johnny A-hole. Broadcasting from sunny Tampa Florida ...no topic is off limits.
Visit Show Website http://mimberzandtheahole.com/Recently Aired
MATA Ep60: "XXXmas Special"
In this special, hilarious, holiday episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: ...
In this special, hilarious, holiday episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Blood Letting, Missing the Vag-hole, The Hyundai Clitorus, The Journeyman Humper, Mismatched socks and Laundry Mishaps, Flashing Co-Workers can be Holiday Fun!, Tebow it!, My Mom's...
MATA Ep59: "Freakin' Gingers"
In this long awaited episode Tim and Johnny discuss: What ...
In this long awaited episode Tim and Johnny discuss: What not to say, Too many wipes, Turd cutter, Cop encounters, 10% pussy tax, Anal G spot, Midge Menage', Fucking Gingers, Chicago trip, 30 for 30, Portman tits, Flag football, A crack and a back,...
MATA Ep58: "Tits up"
In this episode Tim and Johnny discuss: Feathers or dot?, ...
In this episode Tim and Johnny discuss: Feathers or dot?, Dry erase, Intellectual compass, Dog trainer, Tit's up, Fine looking Bitch, Duck rape, Tranny titties, Mexi melt, Dead pool, Man hands, The slide rule of life, Rattle mouth water...
MATA Ep57: "Wait, wait"
In this hilarious new episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Nut ...
In this hilarious new episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Nut thumpin' & timber doodling, On the dick suckin' scale, Mining for ass, Chief Billy Swamp-ass for Oxy Clean, The Bandit's down and out, Douching a raccoon, Seagull...
MATA Ep56: "The Easy Button"
In this hilarious episode Tim & Johnny discuss: Timmy The ...
In this hilarious episode Tim & Johnny discuss: Timmy The Archer, 85 Buttholes, Chicago Bound, Sponsor Me, No more Olympic Talk, Meatgazer, Golf Announcers, Samoan Vag, Keep Living the Dream Tim, Faking the Crosswords, Butthole Convention, Mimberz...
MATA Ep55: "Fifty Shades Of Wet"
In this hilarious new episode, Tim and Johnny discuss: Gramma ...
In this hilarious new episode, Tim and Johnny discuss: Gramma burn, That 70's Show, Olympic pride, Racial bigotry, JAP, The bronze, Presidential power pussy promo, 50 shades of wet, Water lube, The bike race, Alex Morgan, More Olympics, The Undertow,...
MATA Ep54: "Natural Lubricant"
In this hilarious new episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Green ...
In this hilarious new episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Green M&Ms, Candy Barz, Kool Aid, Skoolz in the Hood, Boobs n' Boners, Bikini panties, the Bobcat, Sucking the mic, My sweet Becca, Aping gay-hole, Traffic cone, Outed on Facebook, Twitter...
MATA Ep53: "My Next Ex-Wife"
WE'RE BACK! In this hilarious new episode, Tim & Johnny ...
WE'RE BACK! In this hilarious new episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Prison Mama, Bottled Skeet, Apologies, Measuring up, Porn titles, Hugh-Head Midget, Asexual, Flop-flop washer, Chili Ring, Ass-horn, Cobbler, Dick Shrapnel, Suntan Oil, True Grit, My...
MATA Ep52: "The Long Bone"
In this 1st year anniversary episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: ...
In this 1st year anniversary episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: Baste in my own gravy, Johnny tech-tard, The long bone, Midget hookers, Power bush, Night Shift, Gay super-heroes, Arsenio, Vanilla Ice, The slots, Crazy eyes, Peely Wally,...
Ep 51: "Hooded Cobra"
In this hilarious episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: This just ...
In this hilarious episode, Tim & Johnny discuss: This just in ...Tit's are good, Dick-metrics, Dues survey, Cat fight, "That's My Boy", Arnold Palmer, Bonita Fish Dick, Growing sweet potatoes, The Violent Wave, Dickering @ Garage sales,...