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    A Stress Test Of The Welfare State [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Professor Tito Boeri | Editor's note: We apologise for ...

    Speaker(s): Professor Tito Boeri | Editor's note: We apologise for the poor quality of this audio recording. How did the welfare state in Europe cope with the Great Recession and the Eurozone crisis? While a lot of attention has been devoted to (home-made) stress tests of the banking sector, no attempt has been made to date to evaluate the performance of social tax and transfer systems to reduce poverty during the crisis. This talk will address this issue, making reference, in particular, to the countries of Southern Europe, where the shock has been particularly severe. The underlying question is whether we need only a welfare state or also a welfare union. Professor Boeri is currently Professor of Economics and Dean for Research at Bocconi University, Milan as well as BP Centennial Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Professor Paul De Grauwe is John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy at the European Institute, LSE. The LSE European Institute (@LSEEI) was established in 1991 as a dedicated centre for the interdisciplinary study of processes of integration and fragmentation within Europe. In the most recent national Research Assessment Exercise, the Institute was ranked first for research in European Studies in the United Kingdom. The LSE European Institute has been a Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence since 2009.

    Feb 2, 2015 Read more
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    On Truth [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Professor Pascal Engel, Professor Simon Blackburn | Realists take ...

    Speaker(s): Professor Pascal Engel, Professor Simon Blackburn | Realists take truth to be a robust property of our thoughts and assertions, one which fits certain facts in the world. Deflationists, expressivists and pragmatists disagree: for them truth is a very shallow notion, which comes down to a few (important) trivialities. The view one takes on truth has important consequences for all sorts of issues, in particular for moral philosophy and epistemology, and for the way we understand reasons in each domain. Pascal Engel is Professor of Modern and Contemporary Philosophy at the University of Geneva. Simon Blackburn is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge. Peter Dennis is an LSE Fellow in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method and Forum for European Philosophy. The Forum for European Philosophy (@LSEPhilosophy) is an educational charity which organises and runs a full and varied programme of philosophy and interdisciplinary events in the UK. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Feb 2, 2015 Read more
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    Hezbollah, Islamist Politics and International Society [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Dr Filippo Dionigi | Dr Dionigi will launch his ...

    Speaker(s): Dr Filippo Dionigi | Dr Dionigi will launch his new book on Hezbollah and Islamist politics, looking at how the norms of the liberal international order influence the activity of Islamist movements. Filippo Dionigi is Early Career Fellow at LSE’s Middle East Centre.

    Feb 2, 2015 Read more
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    Materiality and Computer Art [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Professor Margaret Boden | Professor Boden will explore philosophical ...

    Speaker(s): Professor Margaret Boden | Professor Boden will explore philosophical issues about art. Are computer artworks physical objects? Do they really qualify as art? Margaret Boden is Research Professor of Cognitive Science at the University of Sussex. LSE's Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Science (@CPNSS), established in 1990, promotes research into philosophical, methodological and foundational questions arising in the natural and the social sciences, and their application to practical problems. The Centre's work is inherently interdisciplinary, and a full calendar of events contributes to a lively intellectual environment. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Jan 29, 2015 Read more
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    Better Growth, Better Climate: cities and the new climate economy [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Graham Floater, Philipp Rode, Dimitri Zenghelis | This event ...

    Speaker(s): Graham Floater, Philipp Rode, Dimitri Zenghelis | This event is structured around research for the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate and the cities workstream of the Commission’s New Climate Economy (NCE) project which LSE Cities is leading. The overall aim of NCE is to provide independent and authoritative evidence on the relationship between actions which can strengthen economic performance and those which reduce the risk of dangerous climate change. It has been repeatedly argued that cities have a unique opportunity to build a different model of economic growth – one which achieves the benefits of growth but with significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions alongside co-benefits such as improved health. And it is commonly understood that this will require a focus on actions that are systematically important for how cities function including decisions around urban form and transport. This event will feature some of the core findings and arguments that were recently published in the first NCE publication ‘Better growth, better climate’ and position the role of cities as part of a global green economy transition. Graham Floater (@GrahamFloater) is Director of the NCE Cities Research Programme and Principal Research Fellow at LSE. Philipp Rode (@PhilippRode) is Executive Director of LSE Cities and Co-Director of the NCE Cities Research Programme. Dimitri Zenghelis (@DimitriZ) is Co-Head Climate Policy at the Grantham Research Institute at the LSE. Fran Tonkiss is Professor of Sociology in the Sociology Department and Academic Director of the Cities Programme at LSE Cities. The studies by LSE Cities for the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate can be downloaded at the LSE Cities. LSE Cities (@LSECities) is an international centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science that carries out research, education and outreach activities in London and abroad. Its mission is to study how people and cities interact in a rapidly urbanising world, focussing on how the design of cities impacts on society, culture and the environment. LSE Works is a series of public lectures, that will showcase some of the latest research by LSE's academic departments and research centres. In each session, LSE academics will present key research findings, demonstrating where appropriate the implications of their studies for public policy. A list of all the LSE Works lectures can be viewed at LSE Works. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Jan 29, 2015 Read more
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    Institutionalising Public Deliberation: empowerment or appeasement? [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Professor Laurence Monnoyer-Smith | France’s institutionalisation of public debate ...

    Speaker(s): Professor Laurence Monnoyer-Smith | France’s institutionalisation of public debate faces criticism as being an instrument for appeasement. Professor Monnoyer-Smith will discuss how France meets this challenge and evaluates its strengths and weaknesses. Laurence Monnoyer-Smith (@lmonsmith) is Vice-President of the French National Commission for Public Debate. Michael Barzelay is Professor of Public Management and Head of Department of Management. The Department of Management (@LSEManagement) is a globally diverse academic community at the heart of the LSE, taking a unique interdisciplinary, academically in-depth approach to the study of management and organisations. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Jan 28, 2015 Read more
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    Extradition and the Erosion of Human Rights [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Gareth Peirce, Professor Saskia Sassen, Professor Jeanne Theoharis | ...

    Speaker(s): Gareth Peirce, Professor Saskia Sassen, Professor Jeanne Theoharis | Since 9/11 the rules governing extradition from the UK to the US have been systematically relaxed, and safeguards designed to protect against injustice have been dismantled. British citizens are extradited on untested charges to face justice in US courts and prisons, but what standard of justice? There has been little coverage of what happens in US courts and prisons following these extraditions. The conditions that suspects face in the notorious Supermax prisons, along with the use of secret evidence and material support bans raise serious human and civil rights concerns. Gareth Peirce is a solicitor who represents individuals who are or have been the subject of rendition and torture, held in prisons in the UK on the basis of secret evidence, and interned in secret prisons abroad under regimes that continue to practice torture. Her many clients have included the Birmingham Six, Judith Ward, the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, and Moazzam Begg. Saskia Sassen (@SaskiaSassen) is Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology, Columbia University. She is the author of Expulsions and Territory, Authority, Rights. Immigration is one of her major research subjects. Jeanne Theoharis is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. She is the author of numerous books including the recent, award-winning The Rebellious Life of Mrs Rosa Parks and co-founder of Educators for Civil Liberties. She has written and researched extensively on terrorism prosecutions in the US federal system post-9/11. Susan Marks is Professor of International Law at LSE. The Centre for the Study of Human Rights at LSE (@LSEHumanRights) is a trans-disciplinary centre of excellence for international academic research, teaching and critical scholarship on human rights. The Department of Sociology at LSE (@LSEsociology) was established in 1904 and remains committed to top quality teaching and leading research and scholarship today. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Jan 28, 2015 Read more
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    AEC 2015 – A Perspective from Business [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Dato Sri Nazir Razak | How will the ASEAN ...

    Speaker(s): Dato Sri Nazir Razak | How will the ASEAN Economic Community change the political and economic landscape of Southeast Asia? What form will it take and will it be sustainable? Dato Sri Nazir Razak is Chair of the CIMB Group. Danny Quah (@DannyQuah) is Professor of Economics and International Development, and Director of the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre at LSE. Established in 2014, the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre (@LSESEAC) is an inter-disciplinary, regionally-focused academic centre within the LSE. Building on the School's deep academic and historical connections with Southeast Asia, the Centre serves as a hub at LSE for public debate and engagement, and research dissemination on issues relevant to the region. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Jan 28, 2015 Read more
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    Sovereigns, Vultures and Ignoble Cowardice [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Felix Salmon | Atrocious jurisprudence has plunged Argentina into ...

    Speaker(s): Felix Salmon | Atrocious jurisprudence has plunged Argentina into an unwanted default and upended the world of sovereign debt. Felix Salmon (@felixsalmon) is a prominent financial journalist and Senior Editor at Fusion.net. The Department of International Development (@LSE_ID) promotes interdisciplinary post-graduate teaching and research on processes of social, political and economic development and change. Credits: Tom Sturdy (Audio Post-Production), LSE AV Services (Audio Recording).

    Jan 27, 2015 Read more
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    Foreign Fighters in Syria and Iraq: Motivations and Implications [Audio]

    Speaker(s): Professor Peter Neumann | Editor's note: The question and ...

    Speaker(s): Professor Peter Neumann | Editor's note: The question and answer session has been removed from this podcast. Large numbers of foreigners, including many Europeans, have joined jihadist groups in the Syrian/Iraqi conflict. Who are these people, why do they go, and what - if any - threat will they pose upon their return? Drawing on a large database with hundreds of social media profiles of Western fighters, dozens of interviews, and fieldwork, Professor Peter Neumann of King's College London's International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation will talk about the fighters' motivations and consequences.

    Jan 27, 2015 Read more