All in the Mind
All In The Mind is Radio National's weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour - everything from addiction to artificial intelligence.
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Mirrors of the mind
In the early 90s a team of neuroscientists reported a ...
In the early 90s a team of neuroscientists reported a new class of brain cells in the macaque monkey and the mirror neuron theory took off. It's been used to explain many aspects of what it is to be human, but has it been oversold?
Taming the black dog—new approaches to depression
From clinical hypnosis to transcranial direct current stimulation
Deep brain stimulation
Hear about a man who had deep brain stimulation surgery, ...
Hear about a man who had deep brain stimulation surgery, and who was woken up in the middle of it to answer the surgeon's questions.
Borderline personality disorder—what works?
What works for borderline personality disorder
Mind body connection
The mind’s role in healing.
Brain on fire: my month of madness
A young woman's terrifying month of madness and how the ...
A young woman's terrifying month of madness and how the mystery of her illness was solved.
Dreams—the lucid experience
Have you ever had a dream in which you are ...
Have you ever had a dream in which you are aware that you are dreaming? These seemingly altered states of consciousness are called lucid dreams.
Dreams—windows to the mind
In the first of our two-part series on dreaming we ...
In the first of our two-part series on dreaming we explore the latest science about this altered state of consciousness.
Autism, horses and other therapies
When a child is diagnosed with autism it can initially ...
When a child is diagnosed with autism it can initially be devastating for parents—but then confusion sets in—what’s the most helpful approach?
Paths to wellbeing
Positive psychology now uses scientific methods to help increase our ...
Positive psychology now uses scientific methods to help increase our sense of well being. Coaching can be effective, both on a personal level and in the workplace.