Preached by Rev. Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos, these sermons are from St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Winnipeg, Canada.
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Engaging the Icons
Fr. Ted discusses the necessity of icons in worship.
Don’t Go Blaming Demons
Fr. Ted cautions us against letting evil take hold in ...
Fr. Ted cautions us against letting evil take hold in our hearts.
Icons: A Spiritual Reality
Fr. Ted discusses the spiritual importance of icons, citing the ...
Fr. Ted discusses the spiritual importance of icons, citing the Seventh Ecumenical Council.
Our First Catechists
As the new Sunday school year begins, Fr. Ted reminds ...
As the new Sunday school year begins, Fr. Ted reminds parents that we are our children's primary teachers.
Christ in the Village
Fr. Ted asks us to reflect upon whether Christ is ...
Fr. Ted asks us to reflect upon whether Christ is truly the center of our lives.
As We Love, We Are Judged
This week, Fr. Ted addresses the question of how a ...
This week, Fr. Ted addresses the question of how a loving God could also judge us.
God Does Not Exist
Fr. Ted points us to God's greatness, explaining that while ...
Fr. Ted points us to God's greatness, explaining that while humans "exist," God just "is."
Holy Not Happy
Fr Ted explains that God is interested in our pursuit ...
Fr Ted explains that God is interested in our pursuit of holiness rather than our pursuit of happiness.
Changing With the Wind
Fr. Ted encourages us to keep our moral compasses set ...
Fr. Ted encourages us to keep our moral compasses set firmly on Christ.
Fr. Ted speaks on the feast of the Dormition, encouraging ...
Fr. Ted speaks on the feast of the Dormition, encouraging us to look at Mary's obedient spirit as an example of the Christian life.