Big Ideas Audio
Big Ideas offers lectures on a variety of thought-provoking topics which range across politics, culture, economics, art history, science.... By nature of its lecture format, pacing and inquisitive approach, it is the antithesis of the prevailing sound-bit
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John Ralston Saul on what defines Canada as a nation
John Ralson Saul argues that Canada is a Metis nation, ...
John Ralson Saul argues that Canada is a Metis nation, critically influenced and shaped by aboriginal ideas.
Gwynne Dyer on global warming and his book Climate Wars
Journalist and historian, Gwynne Dyer, discusses his book Climate Wars, ...
Journalist and historian, Gwynne Dyer, discusses his book Climate Wars, outlining the impact that climate change is likely to have on international relations. Dyer focuses particularly on the military conflicts that he sees resulting from global warming.
Leo Panitch on the lessons of Marxism
Leo Panitch delivers this year's Phyllis Clarke Memorial Lecture entitled ...
Leo Panitch delivers this year's Phyllis Clarke Memorial Lecture entitled "Still a Marxist After All: Lessons and Insights for our Time".
Hazel Carby on the British slave trade and the question of identity for people of West Indian heritage in the U.K.
In her lecture, Belonging to Britain, Hazel Carby looks at ...
In her lecture, Belonging to Britain, Hazel Carby looks at the historic relationship between England and Jamaica, including the history of the slave trade in Bristol and the complex question of identity for those of mixed British and West Indian heritage. Carby is a professor of African American Studies and American Studies at Yale University.
Bernard-Henry Levy's
Philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Levy critiques present-day leftist politics for ...
Philosopher and journalist Bernard-Henri Levy critiques present-day leftist politics for its anti-liberalism, anti-Americanism, and for being soft on radical Islamism.
Merv Mosher - Best Lecturer Finalist - on Statistics: What's the Point?
Merv Mosher from the Kinesiology and Health Science department at ...
Merv Mosher from the Kinesiology and Health Science department at York University in Toronto is profiled and delivers his lecture entitled, Statistics: What's the Point?
Rod Carley - Best Lecturer Finalist - on Adapting Shakespeare within a Modern Canadian Context
Top ten finalist, Professor Rod Carley, from the Communication Arts ...
Top ten finalist, Professor Rod Carley, from the Communication Arts department at Canadore College in North Bay is profiled and delivers his competition lecture entitled, Adapting Shakespeare Within a Modern Canadian Context.
Clare Hasenkampf - Best Lecturer Finalist - on Chromosomes Dividing: How It Is Done and Why It Matters
Clare Hasenkampf from the Biological Sciences department at the University ...
Clare Hasenkampf from the Biological Sciences department at the University of Toronto Scarborough delivers her competition lecture entitled "Chromosomes Dividing: How It Is Done and Why It Matters".
Darryl Davies - Best Lecturer Finalist - on Explaining Crime
Darryl Davies from the Sociology and Anthropology department at Carleton ...
Darryl Davies from the Sociology and Anthropology department at Carleton University in Ottawa delivers his competition lecture entitled "Explaining Crime".
Shawn Lehman - Best Lecturer Finalist - on Primate Infanticide: Adaptation or Social Pathology?
Shawn Lehman from the Anthropology department at the University of ...
Shawn Lehman from the Anthropology department at the University of Toronto St. George delivers his competition lecture entitled "Primate Infanticide: Adaptation or Social Pathology?"