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NosillaCast Mac Podcast

Allison Sheridan's technology geek podcast with an EVER so slight Macintosh bias - reviewing freeware, shareware, open source cross-platform tools, and frequently goofy websites.

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    #512 eBooks vs Real Books vs Library Books, Wonder Workshop, Augmented Reality Glasses from ODG, Maker with Donald Burr

    In a two-part segment on electronic books I weigh the ...

    In a two-part segment on electronic books I weigh the pros and cons of "real" vs electronic books, and then walk you through how to get eBooks on your Kindle using overdrive.com. Two interviews from CES: Wonder Workshop has toys to get your kids started programming, and the Osterhout Group's Augmented Reality Glasses. In Chit Chat Across the Pond, Donald Burr of Otaku no Podcast tells us how to become a Maker and about the cool things you can make with single board computers like the Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Read all about it at donaldburr.com.

    Mar 2, 2015 Read more
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    #511 How to Record iOS Audio on Skype, Logic Dots, Lyve, Insteon, 2D Graphs Look 2D, Superfish Malware, Learn VoiceOver on iPhone

    How to Record Skype Call Including Audio from iOS, Send ...

    How to Record Skype Call Including Audio from iOS, Send your audio reviews for the while I'm gone in March to podcasting@bartificer.net. Logic Dots Ayopa Games from does in-app purchases right. Access All of Your Photos on Every Device with Lyve from mylyve.com/. Insteon Home Automation Will be Compatible with Apple’s Homekit at insteon.com. Tutorial on How to Make 2D Excel Graphs Look 3D. In Security Lite I read Bart's opinion on the Superfish disaster at Lenovo. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Shelly Brisbin, author of the book iOS Access for All onto the show to teach me, real time, how to use VoiceOver, the built-in tool that allows the blind to use an iPhone.

    Feb 23, 2015 Read more
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    #510 ScanSnap iX100 Mobile Scanner, Speeding Up an Aging Mac, Taming the Terminal part 29 of n - Introducing SSH

    Send your audio reviews for the while I'm gone in ...

    Send your audio reviews for the while I'm gone in March to podcasting@bartificer.net. Check out my appearances on The Productive Woman Podcast at theproductivewoman.com and Tech's Message at natelanxon.com/podcast. An interview at CES with Fujitsu followed by an in depth review of their ScanSnap iX100 mobile scanner. In Dumb Question Corner Eric asks how to speed up an aging Mac for the least amount of money. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart takes us through Taming the Terminal part 29 of n - Introducing SSH.

    Feb 16, 2015 Read more
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    #509 BACtrack Mobile, Thinkware Dash Cams, Wireless Power Consortium, Build Your Own Quadcopter

    I was on Daily Tech News Show talking Net Neutrality ...

    I was on Daily Tech News Show talking Net Neutrality with Tom Merritt and Molly Wood. Review of the Blood Alcohol Concentration measurement device called BACtrack Mobile. Interview with Thinkware to learn about their dash cams, the Wireless Power Consortium to talk standards and 4Moms to talk high tech baby gear. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Donald Burr joins Steve Sheridan and me to teach us about how to build your own Quadcopter.

    Feb 9, 2015 Read more
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    #508 Clarify-Like iOS App, Phone Number on Your Lock Screen, When Cables Go Bad, Taming the Terminal Part 28 - Network Troubleshooting

    I attempt to give you a way to grasp the ...

    I attempt to give you a way to grasp the enormity of the Apple earnings. Listen to the Live NosillaCast on your Roku, AppleTV, Windows Phone and more by clicking on Help over at alphageekradio.com. In Dumb Question Corner, I attempt to find a tolerable answer to James Staple's question from Twitter: is there a Clarify-Like App for iOS? Next up I explain why you might want a phone number on your lock screen and a couple of ways to accomplish that using Over for iOS or Skitch. A fantastic story about fixing a dead MacBook Pro for only $30. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart takes us through Taming the Terminal part 28 of n - Network Troubleshooting.

    Jan 31, 2015 Read more
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    #507 Audio Hijack, Mobee, Tome, Escort, Chris Ashley

    Update & correction on saving Preview Filters tutorial from last ...

    Update & correction on saving Preview Filters tutorial from last week; new tutorial here. My latest video tutorial all about ClamXav from clamXav.com is up at screencastsonline.com/mac/show/0487/. Audio Hijack gets a MAJOR update at rogueamoeba.com. We kick back into some more CES interviews. First up is Mobee from mobeetechnology.com/ including a hands-on review. Next we talk to Tome who is hoping their software combined with Humanscale's standing/sitting desks will help you get healthier at work. Finally Escort shows off their latest radar detector. In Chit Chat Across the Pond I'm joined by Chris Ashley of the SMR Podcast at smrpodcast.com to talk about the new face of Microsoft and how they've become so much more of a platform agnostic company.

    Jan 26, 2015 Read more
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    #506 Preview Reduce File Size, Tobii, Black Box Biometrics, AmpStrip, Synaptics, Taming the Terminal Part 27b of n DNS

    A better way to reduce file size in Preview with ...

    A better way to reduce file size in Preview with a tutorial at podfeet.com/blog/how-to-reduce-the-file-size-of-a-pdf-using-preview/. Interviews from CES: Tobii from tobii.com with assistive technology for people with communication an mobility disabilities, Black Box Biometrics shows us the Linx Impact Assessment to track head impacts in youth sports from b3inc.com, the AmpStrip heart sensor from Fitlinxx learn more at ampstrip.com and Synaptics talks about their touch screens and fingerprint scanners over at synaptics.com. in Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart and I talk about David Cameron's brilliant plan to try to stop secure communications in Britain and we get into a heated debate on whether Google did the wrong thing exposing a vulnerability in Windows when Microsoft missed their deadline. Finally we get to do the second half of Taming the Terminal part 27 of n, all about DNS.

    Jan 19, 2015 Read more
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    #505 Mophie Juice Pack for iPhone 6, Lowes Innovation Labs, Taming the Terminal Part 27 DNS

    How much you really walk at CES, and the many ...

    How much you really walk at CES, and the many faces of CES. We start playing our CES interviews with Mophie announcing their new Juice Packs for the iPhone 6 and 6+. Next we talked to the Lowes Innovation Labs about their OSHBot Robot and their virtual reality home improvement system using the Oculus Rift. I give my view on how maybe the Z-Wave Alliance could make home automation all play together. Allister Jenks gives us a tutorial (made with Clarify) on how to add Flickr to your WordPress website at http://zkarj.clarify-it.com/d/9g4rwa. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart starts explaining DNS to us in Taming the Terminal Part 27 of n.

    Jan 12, 2015 Read more
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    #504 ATR2100 Mic Shootout, HISY Wireless Remote Shutter, Drafts V4, Play iOS Audio and Video Through Your Mac, Pat Dengler on Apple Consulting

    Audio shootout to see if the $60 Audio Audio-Technica ATR2100 ...

    Audio shootout to see if the $60 Audio Audio-Technica ATR2100 Microphone Compare to a Heil PR-40. Next up a review of the $16 HISY Wireless Remote Shutter for iPhone. Kirschen Seah from FreeRangeCoder.com joins us with a review of Drafts from AgileTortoise.com. I tell you my tale of woe about my Undead iPad and why I love AppleCare. I came up with an awesome tip on how to listen to content on your iOS device through your Mac's speakers, without spending a dime! (Tutorial here). In Chit Chat Across the Pond, Apple Consultant Pat Dengler from www.denglerconsulting.com joins us to explain what an Apple Consultant is, how to become one and talks a little bit about the challenges and fun she has doing it.

    Jan 4, 2015 Read more
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    #503 Gas Cubby, Yota-phone, CuBox-i2ex, Elusive 1s and 0s, TTT Part 26 DHCP

    Steven Goetz (aka Goatman) sent in a review of Gas ...

    Steven Goetz (aka Goatman) sent in a review of Gas Cubby Free, Allister came through with an unsolicited testimonial for Hover, Knightwise reviews the inventive and interesting Yota-Phone, Door tells about the CuBox-i2ex and in Dumb Question Corner, Steve answers Timo from Finland's question about 1s and 0s. In Chit Chat Across the Pond Bart takes us through Taming the Terminal Part 26 of n all about DHCP.

    Dec 29, 2014 Read more