GeekSpeak, KUSP
GeekSpeak is a group of professional geeks who discuss the week's latest news and trends. They help people with such things as Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computing, digital photography, the free software movement, Web 2.0, digital video and audio editing, Adobe software, processor and platform ...
GeekSpeak is a group of professional geeks who discuss the week's latest news and trends. They help people with such things as Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computing, digital photography, the free software movement, Web 2.0, digital video and audio editing, Adobe software, processor and platform technologies, Blu-Ray, solar technology, and much more. The Geeks also interview technologists, hackers, developers, entrepreneurs, great thinkers, and people with real information to share. If it's geeky, then it's on GeekSpeak! GeekSpeak is broadcast live every Saturday at 10 a.m. PST on KUSP/KBDH FM and HD radio, and is available via podcast at NPR.
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Trashing Passwords from Space with Lightroom 2014/05/10
Password day, planes powered by fuel from garbage, a design ...
Password day, planes powered by fuel from garbage, a design for commercial space flight, looking back in time at websites past, a new bitcoin-based cologne, and a live video feed from space.Special Geek Guest Sharad Mangalick, Digital Imaging Product Manager at Adobe, speaks about Camera Raw and the recently-released Adobe Lightroom Mobile.
Badger Corrects OpenSSL's Spin with Pyramid Power 2014/05/03
Window manager geeking out, privacy with Badger by EFF, Core ...
Window manager geeking out, privacy with Badger by EFF, Core Infrastructure Initiative, spin that exoplanet, and how to win at rock-paper-scissors.
SpaceX Sues Net Neutrality Over Bouncing Batteries 2014/04/26
Does a battery's ability to bounce alter when uncharged? We ...
Does a battery's ability to bounce alter when uncharged? We find out from our own myth-busting team!Also, Miles completely flubs a story on a SpaceX lawsuit; read the linked story to find out how wrong he was. These stories and more in this episode of Geek Speak.
Fruit Fly Prints Plane while Violin Plays Heartbleed 2014/04/12
Fruit flies are mini-jet-fighters, Staples prints in 3D, Violinists and ...
Fruit flies are mini-jet-fighters, Staples prints in 3D, Violinists and Stradivarius, Hearbleed explained and much more.
NASA's Meteoric Software Clocked at Terminal Velocity 2014/04/05
Skydiver films meteoroid, NASA and Microsoft open source code, Subversion ...
Skydiver films meteoroid, NASA and Microsoft open source code, Subversion switches to Git, Zebras are stripy because...-Some car tech, and listener calls. Fun Fun show.
Virtual 3D Klingon Skull Chooses Carrier 2014/03/29
Rings around an Astroid, Klingon Subtitles, Facebook goes virtual and ...
Rings around an Astroid, Klingon Subtitles, Facebook goes virtual and Our experiences with alt phone carriers Net10, Ting, and Kitty Wireless.
Facebook Recognizes the Mosquito Reading Your Email 2014/03/22
Bonnie, Ben, and Lindsey talk about geek news of the ...
Bonnie, Ben, and Lindsey talk about geek news of the week including various reactions to security and the lack thereof. Facebook, Microsoft, FCC, Twitter, Turkey, and mosquitoes... oh my!
OK Google, Tell the Patient to Say "Ah" 2014/03/15
Dr. Dawn joins the Geeks to talk about technology in ...
Dr. Dawn joins the Geeks to talk about technology in the medical sphere, the CIA spies on the US Senate, and the US gives up control of DNS. All of this and more in the Week in Geek while we take your calls on this episode of Geek Speak.
Upgrade Your Jacket's Porn Filters With Pennies 2014/03/08
It's pledge time again on KUSP, where all of our ...
It's pledge time again on KUSP, where all of our equipment like mics, headphones, air time, producers, AND THE PODCAST (Hint! Hint!) gets paid for. Please take a moment to donate to KUSP either on the website or the toll-free number (US only) 888-777-1507 so that we can continue to provide the Week in Geek news and banter you've come to know and love.
Mt. Gox Can't Afford the $25 Phone 2014/03/01
It's pledge time again on KUSP, where all of our ...
It's pledge time again on KUSP, where all of our equipment like mics, headphones, air time, producers, AND THE PODCAST (Hint! Hint!) gets paid for. Please take a moment to donate to KUSP either on the website or the toll-free number (US only) 888-777-1507 so that we can continue to provide the Week in Geek news and banter you've come to know and love.