GeekSpeak, KUSP
GeekSpeak is a group of professional geeks who discuss the week's latest news and trends. They help people with such things as Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computing, digital photography, the free software movement, Web 2.0, digital video and audio editing, Adobe software, processor and platform ...
GeekSpeak is a group of professional geeks who discuss the week's latest news and trends. They help people with such things as Windows, Macintosh, and Linux computing, digital photography, the free software movement, Web 2.0, digital video and audio editing, Adobe software, processor and platform technologies, Blu-Ray, solar technology, and much more. The Geeks also interview technologists, hackers, developers, entrepreneurs, great thinkers, and people with real information to share. If it's geeky, then it's on GeekSpeak! GeekSpeak is broadcast live every Saturday at 10 a.m. PST on KUSP/KBDH FM and HD radio, and is available via podcast at NPR.
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Stealing Cash, Bikes, and Spectrum from Virtual Machines
Virtual computer systems, monitoring, stealing cash using cash cards, bike ...
Virtual computer systems, monitoring, stealing cash using cash cards, bike planning is good, iOS tape cassette app, Maker Faire this month, and more when James Dennis, Director of Engineering of Catbird, joins Lyle on this episode of GeekSpeak.
Dale Questions 3D Gun Robots at Mach 5
Lyle is alone in this episode of GeekSpeak – covering ...
Lyle is alone in this episode of GeekSpeak – covering UN suggestions about robot overlords, Google loves Palestine, printing guns in your home, Facebook lawsuit, many phone calls – and some web update news. This episode was dedicated to Dale Owen, who we will miss at KUSP. If you do not love classical music – go watch this Benjamin Zander’s TED talk about loving Classical music.
IKEA Robot Tweets Private Eyes
Hacking Twitter, Geek Entertainment news, robots and artificial intelligence, Geek ...
Hacking Twitter, Geek Entertainment news, robots and artificial intelligence, Geek Word of the Week and much much more with Bonnie, Lyle, and Ben.
Reddit visits Mars Galaxy Cell Coverage from Home
Programer and produce Charley Manske joins Lyle to chat about ...
Programer and produce Charley Manske joins Lyle to chat about home network cell coverage, his new Galaxy Note, and about Facebook, Reddit and more.
Pecha Kucha, Perception, Population, Patches, and Privacy
Say it five times fast! Miles & Bonnie find out ...
Say it five times fast! Miles & Bonnie find out how to make geeks speak briefly, and cover the latest crop of gaffes, advances, & creepiness in geek news.
Dark Matter Robot Blinks & Facebook Goes Home.
Ben, Lyle and Bonnie cover the week’s news.
Musically Shaving Bytes with Frozen Smoke
Ben and Lyle chat about music, code, astrophysics and material ...
Ben and Lyle chat about music, code, astrophysics and material sciences.
Apple Security News - the Universe Darkens
Google and Apple and other security issues, some calls from ...
Google and Apple and other security issues, some calls from listeners and more on this episode with Ben and Lyle.
Sick Wind Farm Games with out Google Reader
Founders of Gigin Games, Mike and Alex, join the geeks ...
Founders of Gigin Games, Mike and Alex, join the geeks to chat about game development and play and their new game Runner2, a fun side scrolling platform game.
Pledge for Plastic Skulls, Frozen Phones, and Rovers in Distress
Curiosity software bug, 3D Printed Skulls, Compromising phones by freezing ...
Curiosity software bug, 3D Printed Skulls, Compromising phones by freezing them, Sexism in Gaming, and your opportunity to support this, and many shows at KUSP.