PLUS podcast - maths on the move
Bringing mathematics to life
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Sexual statistics: The podcast
Every day we are bombarded with statistics about sex. How ...
Every day we are bombarded with statistics about sex. How many times we think of it a day, how many times we do it, and with how many people. But how do we know which of those numbers can be believed? Listen to our interview with David Spiegelhalterread more
Cosmology, philosophy and the multiverse
Listen to our interview with Bernard Carrread more
Maths takes flight!
The layout of the new maths gallery, opening at the ...
The layout of the new maths gallery, opening at the Science Museum, London, in 2016. Would you like to step inside an abstract mathematical space? Soon you'll be able to do just that, in the maths gallery at the Science Museum in London, due to open in 2016. Listen to our interview with Shajay Bhooshanread more
Why does cosmology need philosophy?
George EllisListen to our interview with George Ellisread more
Meet the next generation
At the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) this year we ...
At the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) this year we met Peter Scholze, a full Professor at the University of Bonn and an invited speaker at the ICM — all at the tender age of 26! So we just had to interview him...Listen to our interview with Peter Scholzeread more
The importance of a mathematical community
Ingrid Daubechies at the opening ceremony of the International Congress ...
Ingrid Daubechies at the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2014. Image copyright ⓒ 2010-2014 International Congress of Mathematicians 2014, all rights reserved.Listen to our interview with Ingrid Daubechiesread more