Nyilvános vetítés
Aktuális filmpremierek, klasszikus filmek, a filmvilág hírei, minden amit a mikrofon elbír.
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429: Földrengés, Mexiko, Statham
I'm old, see.I'm broke and I'm alone. And I'm more ...
I'm old, see.I'm broke and I'm alone. And I'm more 'scared of dying with somebody spoon feeding me oatmeal, than anything else in the world.
428: Földrengések hangjára kémkedünk
I look like someone's homophobic aunt!
427: Pixar és kémek?
I was briefed on your criminal career. Your balls are ...
I was briefed on your criminal career. Your balls are on the end of a very long leash, held by a very short man.
426: Four vs. Five
America teaming up with Russia. That doesn't sound very friendly.
425: Deadpool vs. CGI
Exposure to a high energy cosmic storm could advance our ...
Exposure to a high energy cosmic storm could advance our knowledge of planetary life.
424: Hangyák és pizzák
Desperate times, desperate measures.
423: Ted 2 és Minions + 3 évesek vagyunk
Professor Iwatani, what are you doing?
422: Comic Con utózengék
Pick on someone your own size!
421: Genisys install instructions
I look at each of you and I see the ...
I look at each of you and I see the marks of this long and terrible war. If we die tonight, man kind dies with us.
420: a mi fejünkben
I say we lock ourselves in our room and use ...
I say we lock ourselves in our room and use that one swear word we know. It's a good one!